The Personal Blog Of JUNE KAKA KARISNA : A cute little baby boy was born at 27 June 08. His weight 3,1 Kg, height 51 Cm, healthy, lovely and brought positive energy to the family. What will he be whens he`s grown up?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Follow steps Keeping Stock Availability and Price Stabilization Kepokmas
Coordination with related agencies, the Office of regency / city in charge of trade, the Association / business in the effort to fulfill kepokmas and price controls.
nMelakukan visits to distribution centers and manufacturers kepokmas; intensifying monitoring of supply and prices in working area of each.
nMenghimbau to the producers / distributors / agents to increase the stock 20% of the normal stock.
The cheap market nMenyelenggarakan cooperation with related agencies, the Association / business to help people
low income to obtain kepokmas an affordable price.
Basic Materials Posko nMembentuk that facilitate reporting on matters relating to procurement, distribution
and when there is the price that exceeds reasonable limits or when there is tremendous price.
Some causes an increase in price
kepokmas request before oPeningkatan Fasting (Ramadan) at the end of August 2009.
oMasih high auction price of sugar farmers and the world price level.
kepokmas request for oPeningkatan celebration event of 17 also contributed to the increase in prices
in August 2009.
local white oBawang now just beginning to harvest, not yet distributed to the market. Garlic currently
more garlic imports from China and Thailand
Fried oMinyak bulk supply as far as we know CPO decreases especially for crude palm oil processing plant in
Golden Pel.Tanjung Semarang, PT.Best was 1.5 months there was no supply.
Other Info
o 1. Divre stock of rice in Central Java Bulog as of August 19, 2009 recorded 510,839 tonnes
rice equivalents sufficient to meet the operational Bulog for 11 months / sd. Month of May 2010.
o 2. Anticipating the psychological impact of the government's plan to issue price increase measures 12 kg of LPG,
against kepokmas prices.
o 3. Need to anticipate the psychological aspects of excessive purchases kepokmas before Ramadan and Eid
there is an effort to inform the public will secure the availability of sufficient kepokmas /
available, although there is a tendency, but price increases are expected dikisaran average 10 to 20%
source :
nMelakukan visits to distribution centers and manufacturers kepokmas; intensifying monitoring of supply and prices in working area of each.
nMenghimbau to the producers / distributors / agents to increase the stock 20% of the normal stock.
The cheap market nMenyelenggarakan cooperation with related agencies, the Association / business to help people
low income to obtain kepokmas an affordable price.
Basic Materials Posko nMembentuk that facilitate reporting on matters relating to procurement, distribution
and when there is the price that exceeds reasonable limits or when there is tremendous price.
Some causes an increase in price
kepokmas request before oPeningkatan Fasting (Ramadan) at the end of August 2009.
oMasih high auction price of sugar farmers and the world price level.
kepokmas request for oPeningkatan celebration event of 17 also contributed to the increase in prices
in August 2009.
local white oBawang now just beginning to harvest, not yet distributed to the market. Garlic currently
more garlic imports from China and Thailand
Fried oMinyak bulk supply as far as we know CPO decreases especially for crude palm oil processing plant in
Golden Pel.Tanjung Semarang, PT.Best was 1.5 months there was no supply.
Other Info
o 1. Divre stock of rice in Central Java Bulog as of August 19, 2009 recorded 510,839 tonnes
rice equivalents sufficient to meet the operational Bulog for 11 months / sd. Month of May 2010.
o 2. Anticipating the psychological impact of the government's plan to issue price increase measures 12 kg of LPG,
against kepokmas prices.
o 3. Need to anticipate the psychological aspects of excessive purchases kepokmas before Ramadan and Eid
there is an effort to inform the public will secure the availability of sufficient kepokmas /
available, although there is a tendency, but price increases are expected dikisaran average 10 to 20%
source :
Central Java Governor confirmed the Board of Water Resources of Central Java Province
Central Java Governor H. Bibit Waluyo as Chairman of the Board of Water Resources, Central Java province has confirmed the Board of Water Resources of Central Java province in the 2009-2013 period in the Office of Management of Water Resources of Central Java province on Monday, October 19, 2009 Date.
In his speech, he said that the event Members of the Council Inauguration of Water Resources of Central Java province has a very high significance, especially for the Members of the Board of Water Resources of Central Java province selected and appointed, who has met the requirements of normative and qualitative not light.
Hopefully he hopes the Board Members of Water Resources of Central Java province can carry out tasks with a sense of responsibility in terms of integrity, loyalty, commitment to improving the performance, capabilities and ethics and morals.
He also said that the pursuit of water resources management is the long-awaited by the public, therefore we need to work hard, serious, and responsible, especially in the "Bali Ndeso Mbangun Deso" in the welfare of the community in central java.
In the inaugural event was also attended by Head of Department of Water Resources Management in Central Java Province, Ir. Suryono Suripno, SIP. MT capacity as Chief Executive of the Board of Water Resources of Central Java Province, the Secretary of the Board of Ir. Hidayat Mulyono, Dipl. HE, Member of the element of the Government is the head of Bappeda Prov. Central Java, Ka BLH Prov. Java Agricultural Ka TP & H Prov. Central Java, head of the Forestry Service Prov. Central Java, Chief of Health Prov. Central Java, head Dishub Kominfo Prov. Central Java, head of the Office of Industry Prov. Central Java, Head of Energy and Mineral Resources Prov. Central Java, head of the Office of Marine and Fisheries Prov. Java, Head of Education Department Prov. Central Java, Climatology Station Chief of Semarang, the Head of Legal Bureau Secretariat Prov. Central Java, Head of Administration Bureau Secretariat Bangda Prov. Central Java.
Members of the Non-Government element is Kaspono, Chairman of the Federation of Farmers Water User Association Kedungombo System, Kusnindaryanto, Chairman of the Joint Water User Farmer Association Dharma Tirta IN. Soropadan, Supanto, Chairman of the Master Farmer Water User Association Glapan Manunggal, Sri Widodo Murbowaseso, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Farmers Harmony Central Java Province, Drs. Fozasa Ali, MM, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Regional Association of Employers Association of Indonesia Water Supply All Central Java Province, Darseno, Chairman of the Fish Farming "Mina Karya Utama", Ir. Abdul Kahar Rosul, Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council All Indonesian Fishermen Association of Central Java Province, Sholikin, S. Pd, Circle of Friends Chairman Farmer "Selo Tirta Sari" Hamlet Starch Gembong Sentul, Rukyat, Circle of Friends Chairman CACABAN Indah Lestari, Suyono Nurwahadi, Chairman of the Forum Rembug Park National Merbabu Merapi, Mohammad Adib, Chairman of the Circle of Friends of Forest Village Community Institution Central Java, Eddy Wahono, Chairman of Tourism Society Serayu Societies, Samuel H. Sutanto, BSEE, Chairman of the Association of Groundwater Drilling Company of Indonesia.
After the inauguration ceremony ended, continued Session II Water Resources Board with Ratification of Rules and Order agenda, Discussion Vision, Mission and Discussion About the River Region.
In this trial has established the Special Committee Members Vision, Mission and Policy Resources Council of Central Java Province and River Management Area.
Special Committee on Vision, Mission and Policy Resources Council chaired by the Head of Department of Agriculture TP & H Central Java Province, Chief Secretary to the Education Department members are the head of Bappeda Central Java province, Head of Water Resource Management of Central Java Province, the Head of Department of Agriculture TP & H, Chief of Education , FP3A Kedungombo System and GP3A Soropadan.
While the Special Management Area Committee chaired by the Head of the River Management Office of Water Resources of Central Java Province, BLH Chief Secretary of Central Java province with its members is the head of Central Java Province BLH, Head of Forestry Department of Central Java Province, Climatology Station Chief of Semarang, Head of Energy and Mineral Resources Province Central Java, Central Java Province HKTI, Forum Merbabu Rembug Merapi National Park and the Head Office of Water Resources Management in Central Java Province.
Special Committee Meeting will be held on October 26, 2009 and the Plenary Session will be held on 2 November 2009
source :
In his speech, he said that the event Members of the Council Inauguration of Water Resources of Central Java province has a very high significance, especially for the Members of the Board of Water Resources of Central Java province selected and appointed, who has met the requirements of normative and qualitative not light.
Hopefully he hopes the Board Members of Water Resources of Central Java province can carry out tasks with a sense of responsibility in terms of integrity, loyalty, commitment to improving the performance, capabilities and ethics and morals.
He also said that the pursuit of water resources management is the long-awaited by the public, therefore we need to work hard, serious, and responsible, especially in the "Bali Ndeso Mbangun Deso" in the welfare of the community in central java.
In the inaugural event was also attended by Head of Department of Water Resources Management in Central Java Province, Ir. Suryono Suripno, SIP. MT capacity as Chief Executive of the Board of Water Resources of Central Java Province, the Secretary of the Board of Ir. Hidayat Mulyono, Dipl. HE, Member of the element of the Government is the head of Bappeda Prov. Central Java, Ka BLH Prov. Java Agricultural Ka TP & H Prov. Central Java, head of the Forestry Service Prov. Central Java, Chief of Health Prov. Central Java, head Dishub Kominfo Prov. Central Java, head of the Office of Industry Prov. Central Java, Head of Energy and Mineral Resources Prov. Central Java, head of the Office of Marine and Fisheries Prov. Java, Head of Education Department Prov. Central Java, Climatology Station Chief of Semarang, the Head of Legal Bureau Secretariat Prov. Central Java, Head of Administration Bureau Secretariat Bangda Prov. Central Java.
Members of the Non-Government element is Kaspono, Chairman of the Federation of Farmers Water User Association Kedungombo System, Kusnindaryanto, Chairman of the Joint Water User Farmer Association Dharma Tirta IN. Soropadan, Supanto, Chairman of the Master Farmer Water User Association Glapan Manunggal, Sri Widodo Murbowaseso, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Farmers Harmony Central Java Province, Drs. Fozasa Ali, MM, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Regional Association of Employers Association of Indonesia Water Supply All Central Java Province, Darseno, Chairman of the Fish Farming "Mina Karya Utama", Ir. Abdul Kahar Rosul, Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council All Indonesian Fishermen Association of Central Java Province, Sholikin, S. Pd, Circle of Friends Chairman Farmer "Selo Tirta Sari" Hamlet Starch Gembong Sentul, Rukyat, Circle of Friends Chairman CACABAN Indah Lestari, Suyono Nurwahadi, Chairman of the Forum Rembug Park National Merbabu Merapi, Mohammad Adib, Chairman of the Circle of Friends of Forest Village Community Institution Central Java, Eddy Wahono, Chairman of Tourism Society Serayu Societies, Samuel H. Sutanto, BSEE, Chairman of the Association of Groundwater Drilling Company of Indonesia.
After the inauguration ceremony ended, continued Session II Water Resources Board with Ratification of Rules and Order agenda, Discussion Vision, Mission and Discussion About the River Region.
In this trial has established the Special Committee Members Vision, Mission and Policy Resources Council of Central Java Province and River Management Area.
Special Committee on Vision, Mission and Policy Resources Council chaired by the Head of Department of Agriculture TP & H Central Java Province, Chief Secretary to the Education Department members are the head of Bappeda Central Java province, Head of Water Resource Management of Central Java Province, the Head of Department of Agriculture TP & H, Chief of Education , FP3A Kedungombo System and GP3A Soropadan.
While the Special Management Area Committee chaired by the Head of the River Management Office of Water Resources of Central Java Province, BLH Chief Secretary of Central Java province with its members is the head of Central Java Province BLH, Head of Forestry Department of Central Java Province, Climatology Station Chief of Semarang, Head of Energy and Mineral Resources Province Central Java, Central Java Province HKTI, Forum Merbabu Rembug Merapi National Park and the Head Office of Water Resources Management in Central Java Province.
Special Committee Meeting will be held on October 26, 2009 and the Plenary Session will be held on 2 November 2009
source :
East side of Mount Slamet Rich Megalithic Remains
Region East side of Mount Slamet in Purbalingga exactly was storing wealth megalithic cultural heritage. However, during this, the original cultural heritage Indonesian ancestors were not well conserved and optimally. When the initial identification in 1981 and 1983 in the village of Limbasari, Sub Bobotsari found at least 18 historic sites. Identification resumed in 1984 and 1986 in the area and found Ponjen Tipar more than 20 historic sites. This was revealed by Prof. Dr. Harry Truman Simanjuntak of the Center for Archaeological Research and Development in conference with the National jawatengahgoid, Monday (24 / 8).
Truman is said, in addition to many megalithic culture found there were at least 22 sites of prehistoric rock shop in several river basins in Purbalingga. Of the artifacts found, are all relics of the Neolithic culture. One of them is quite interesting is the discovery of stone bracelets.
Viewed from the artifacts found, continued Truman, humans use the technology at that time was quite advanced and applied technology can not be found must be due to the peculiar form of artifacts. In fact there are some artifacts that show the adoption of the bronze culture of the prototype bronze axes. "This shows, people at that time had entered a new period, the proto history," Truman said.
Generally, the people in the proto historic period, continued Truman, many religious ideas developed by establishing a large stone or megalithic. This duck megal culture that characterized the original ancestor of Indonesia, before accepting the influence of Hindu, Islamic, and colonial.
Although fairly easy to find artifacts of Neolithic and megalithic in Purbalingga, but so far there are no archaeologists who may find fossils of animals and humans. Truman predicted that difficulties due to the acidic nature of soil that destroyed the fossil animals and humans in the area.
Therefore, Truman delivered to the Government advice Purbalingga, so that mengonservasi many megalithic remains found in Purbalingga. Conservation measures that can be done with further research, the research results disseminated to the public.
Then protect it, the site has been identified, and used for public welfare. Utilization could be to increase the economic community, academic interests, and strengthen community identity to the region. "People know more about their origins so as to build a better civilization," said Truman.
Regent separately Purbalingga Drs H Triyono Budi Sasongko, M. Si admitted it was too late to handle the potential of geological and archaeological objects that become rich cultural conservation. However, Regent Triyono states, with the rest of his tenure when the 10-month stay will develop this potential for enhancing the welfare of society, especially through the development of geo-tourism.
Late''I admit, this is because of the limitations of our understanding in terms of geology and archeology. However, I will take advantage of this potential while maintaining its sustainability, "said Regent Triyono adding this year also it will build a museum tour of artifacts as a means of education, amusement rides and uniqueness
Truman is said, in addition to many megalithic culture found there were at least 22 sites of prehistoric rock shop in several river basins in Purbalingga. Of the artifacts found, are all relics of the Neolithic culture. One of them is quite interesting is the discovery of stone bracelets.
Viewed from the artifacts found, continued Truman, humans use the technology at that time was quite advanced and applied technology can not be found must be due to the peculiar form of artifacts. In fact there are some artifacts that show the adoption of the bronze culture of the prototype bronze axes. "This shows, people at that time had entered a new period, the proto history," Truman said.
Generally, the people in the proto historic period, continued Truman, many religious ideas developed by establishing a large stone or megalithic. This duck megal culture that characterized the original ancestor of Indonesia, before accepting the influence of Hindu, Islamic, and colonial.
Although fairly easy to find artifacts of Neolithic and megalithic in Purbalingga, but so far there are no archaeologists who may find fossils of animals and humans. Truman predicted that difficulties due to the acidic nature of soil that destroyed the fossil animals and humans in the area.
Therefore, Truman delivered to the Government advice Purbalingga, so that mengonservasi many megalithic remains found in Purbalingga. Conservation measures that can be done with further research, the research results disseminated to the public.
Then protect it, the site has been identified, and used for public welfare. Utilization could be to increase the economic community, academic interests, and strengthen community identity to the region. "People know more about their origins so as to build a better civilization," said Truman.
Regent separately Purbalingga Drs H Triyono Budi Sasongko, M. Si admitted it was too late to handle the potential of geological and archaeological objects that become rich cultural conservation. However, Regent Triyono states, with the rest of his tenure when the 10-month stay will develop this potential for enhancing the welfare of society, especially through the development of geo-tourism.
Late''I admit, this is because of the limitations of our understanding in terms of geology and archeology. However, I will take advantage of this potential while maintaining its sustainability, "said Regent Triyono adding this year also it will build a museum tour of artifacts as a means of education, amusement rides and uniqueness
Art Market Profile Gabusan
Gabusan Art Market is the central buying and selling handicraft products and works of art Bantul people. Located 10 km south of Yogyakarta city center at Jalan Parangtritis km 9.5 Gabusan, Sewon, Bantul.
With the concept as an international showroom and family recreation, the art market offers an alternative Gabusan as tourist destinations meranik and comfortable.
Has a width of about 4.5 hectares, Gabusan Art Market is able to accommodate approximately 400 craftsmen are divided into 16 los. Each market stall is a grouping of products, such as: special los leather, terracotta, wood, metal, silver, bamboo and painting.
Gabusan Art Market also features an information center that will help you find the craft products you want. Facility is also equipped with free Internet access for the general public.
With the concept as an international showroom and family recreation, the art market offers an alternative Gabusan as tourist destinations meranik and comfortable.
Has a width of about 4.5 hectares, Gabusan Art Market is able to accommodate approximately 400 craftsmen are divided into 16 los. Each market stall is a grouping of products, such as: special los leather, terracotta, wood, metal, silver, bamboo and painting.
Gabusan Art Market also features an information center that will help you find the craft products you want. Facility is also equipped with free Internet access for the general public.
Build Banyumas Industrial Bio-Ethanol Plant capacity 400 Liter / day
Development of bio-ethanol industry is a testament to the local government's seriousness in implementing the Regional Development Mission 'welfare Banyumas People' as well as efforts to empower the people and the potential of natural resources in Banyumas to support development programs Bio-Energy as an alternative energy source. So welcome Banyumas Regent, Drs. H. Mardjoko, M.M. while doing the First Stone Laying Industrial Development Bio-Ethanol, which is located in the Village District Randegan Wangon, Wednesday (2 / 9).
Development of bio-ethanol industry is an activity of the central government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Fiscal Stimulus in the form of the Fiscal Year 2009, in order to succeed the Village Independent Energy program. Land''Banyumas Government prepared covering around 20 ha, while the currently used only about 10 ha'', he said.
Next say, the plant capacity is expected to reach 400 liters / day. Management submitted through this cooperative is expected to provide many benefits to the household sector, transportation, industrial and power generation for the community Banyumas and become a significant contribution to improving people's welfare in rural development that is creating jobs, reducing poverty and increasing self-reliance Banyumas energy.
Mardjoko admitted, since the beginning of his candidacy as the Regent Banyumas already brought intense development program Bio-Energy Industry. But the reason, including because of the availability of human resources and agricultural lands that are less adequate to be used and developed to produce the basic materials of bio-ethanol, such as cassava.
Commence development of Bio-Ethanol Industry in Sub Wangon Randegan Village is a real manifestation of the Regent steps to fulfill his promise to the people of Banyumas. (adi - TG)
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Development of bio-ethanol industry is an activity of the central government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Fiscal Stimulus in the form of the Fiscal Year 2009, in order to succeed the Village Independent Energy program. Land''Banyumas Government prepared covering around 20 ha, while the currently used only about 10 ha'', he said.
Next say, the plant capacity is expected to reach 400 liters / day. Management submitted through this cooperative is expected to provide many benefits to the household sector, transportation, industrial and power generation for the community Banyumas and become a significant contribution to improving people's welfare in rural development that is creating jobs, reducing poverty and increasing self-reliance Banyumas energy.
Mardjoko admitted, since the beginning of his candidacy as the Regent Banyumas already brought intense development program Bio-Energy Industry. But the reason, including because of the availability of human resources and agricultural lands that are less adequate to be used and developed to produce the basic materials of bio-ethanol, such as cassava.
Commence development of Bio-Ethanol Industry in Sub Wangon Randegan Village is a real manifestation of the Regent steps to fulfill his promise to the people of Banyumas. (adi - TG)
source :
IFSS 2009 visitors from 34 countries Gabusan Visit the Art Market and Bantul Exposition 2009

A total of 100 participants from 34 countries, Sunday (2 / 9) visit Gabusan Art Market (PSG) and see the event Bantul Exposition 2009. They are a worldwide forestry students joined in the IFSA (International Forestry Student Association) symposium which was held in Indonesia such as forestry management, biodiversity (biological) and the conservation and potential. The organization is based in Germany and has a vision to enrich the knowledge of forestry at the international level. During visits in PSG they do berkempatan crafts workshops guided by the instructors craft of Bantul. The purpose of the visit to the PSG itself is to see the local culture and handicrafts.
Sekda Sudarto Drs.Gendut Kd Bantul, Bsc MMA in the event said that the district of Bantul are receiving their presence in Bantul. Dikatakannnya that their presence was expected to introduce international Bantul mainly through crafts. I think this is very good for PSG promotion especially for international visitors, for that we welcome with enthusiasm, he said. Later the guests will be entertained at dinner Pendopo Parasamya.
One of the participants koks Dutchman Joost explained that he was very pleased to know the culture and native crafts Bantul. Its very cool to know the handicrafts from Bantul, there is no handicraft like this in my country, he said. For that he was very excited when trying to craft their ability to do wayang kulit sunging chisel, with an instructor guided.
Bantul Exposition 2009 event in the PSG was also not lost on their observations. With them alone or clustered around the booths at the Exposition Bantul. Many of those who chance to buy souvenirs, handicrafts in this Exposition as batik, batik wooden masks, silver jewelry and handicrafts etc.. This Exposition is very interesting with items unique, Mori said a participant from Japan.
Further forestry students, the evening will be staying at Mangunan. And the next day they would menruskan Alas Purwo trip to East Java and visit the turtle breeding in Banyuwangi. Unfortunately they had to go to Banyuwangi to see the turtles, but in Samas is also a rare turtles in captivity, said Fat Sudarto. (Source:
Satellite imagery for Spatial Evaluation

Isolated position of the regional network in Central Java - DIY causes Banjarnegara district is not ideal for managing / controlling the spatial planning area. Although supported by mainstay sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and small industries, but their use has not developed to its optimum. Fore, the involvement of all stakeholders from district to district level is needed to determine the appropriate strategy in the development areas to be planned in 2010.
It was mentioned by Regent Djasri to all leaders and SKPD Service and all district head in the environment in Sasana Banjarnegara District Praja Bhati, Thursday (16 / 9). The event aimed to socialize the Spatial Plan Banjarnegara District presents experts who generated the idea in a satellite image Utilization Review Spatial Plan adjusted Banjarnegara District Spatial Planning Law No.26 of 2007.
Mohammad Helmi, experts from MAPIN (Indonesian Remote Sensing Society), which led to the idea is presented that the satellite image data processing capabilities can be done with a volume greater than the manual way. Besides the accuracy and speed of data acquisition (spatial and non spatial) for the inventory is also very detailed. "With the widespread use of satellite images administrative boundaries become more sophisticated and detailed. So that the possibility of missing very small, "he explained.
It is necessary to implement a minimum 5-day training with the material composition of 20% theory and 80% practice. "But these efforts is very effective considering its utilization can be divided between the Office / SKPD relevant to determine the most effective strategies related to achieving goals safe room, comfortable, productive, and sustainable," he added.
To support these achievements, advisor LEKAD (Institute for Development and Empowerment of Inter-Regional Cooperation), suggested that Soetomo Sugiono Banjarnegara reliable place in the area of networking systems synergistically, not separately and connected between the cities, rural cities, and city districts.
"Because of the agricultural sector in Banjarnegara seeded, then the development of paddy areas, horticulture, plantation and forestry need to be prioritized, in addition to the determination of non-cultivated areas. In addition landslide disaster protection is also necessary to remember Banjarnegara very vulnerable to such disasters, "he explained
source :

Bantul Batik M. Harjana mind is one of batik artisans that are trusted by the Bantul to market stalls occupy Art Gabusan Bantul. Batik has a background color Batik Sogan Bantul. Along with the customer demands in Bantul Batik M. Budi Harjana striving to meet customer demand or to present consumers with a variety of motives batik coloring have taken the modern colors both in cotton, weaving, and silk, although not to leave the traditional batik coloring. Batik is also used to take the natural coloring of the plants.
Batik is a noble legacy of adi-rich nation of Indonesia with the works of timeless. Batik has its own uniqueness and distinctiveness and value of art is very beautiful. In order not to become extinct and the loss of its history from generation to generation predecessor to dating, then in the preserve Batik Bantul M. Budi Harjana a batik training packages and staining.
The training can be followed is open to the public at least 10 people for one package.
1. The trainees will be trained:
- Designing batik
- Batik
- Staining
2. The results of the exercise can be taken home by each participant.
3. The contribution of participants per person Rp 25.000, --
4. Trainees will be trained by professional trainers in the field.
5. Training places in Gabusan Art Market, Jl. 9.5 KM Parangtritis Bantul
- Place a large and comfortable
- Easily accessible public transportation
- Being on tour route Jogjakarta-Parangtritis
- The Parker area, safe, and comfortable
- There are places of worship
- Participants can also view and handicrafts shop in Gabusan Art Market
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Allegiance my willpower Best
The various stories about the behavior of the police officer who was not unsympathetic we often hear. Although the leadership of Mr. Kunarto already sounded the slogan of the police Indonesia: "my determination, devotion" but until now a paradigm shift about the police officer's behavior was impressed by his side. I thought klo unfair behavior of our police officers a few generalizations as do the police institution is tilted, but it is difficult to accept.
Some time ago as usual I'm going to work through the red light intersection each day passed. Terbiasanya so, so I do not see the red light again, because that usually is turning left on the road I noticed the lights but not the other driver or pedestrian path that would pass. That means I'm more concentrated on the safety of other road users and also myself than watching the red light.
Suddenly prit pritt .... I looked into the police guard. he appointed me as nyemprit again. I immediately step on the gas and motor menggeber full speed to run, I think instead of money floating without effort 20ribu resistance mending first run. To be honest when I do not know that, why did the officer syringe me, because the day yesterday I was left there by the road continues. Short stories refuge is not overtaken. But I was curious, so I came home from work through there again and I noticed his red lights. It turned out that the original was a round red lights intact, the left arrow-shaped (kind of like closed with markers for its not smooth). So that means changing the lights turn left follow.
I do not wonder anymore, it turns out the police officer I syringe because I broke the lamp. Okay maybe I was wrong when it violates the red light, but need a few things underlined:
1. The red light was replaced by the by the road turn left continue to follow the lights turn left, there should be prior socialization so that the syringe of the police officer not to judge but told / warned by a sympathetic, because obviously there has been no prior socialization or other such signs posted writings there.
2. I suspect the police officer might be wrong to judge, because I'm running and not overtaken, but the next day I accidentally noticed the red light with a stop at a distance. And sure enough, when there was an old father (who was apparently pns 50an turn left on the road, getting a ticket immediately. I'm sure the father was also because so often by so she kept turning very slowly for the safety of other motorists.
3. We are sometimes forced to sue in the liver, the rule actually applied to what? to carry out the purpose or to order penilangan Allu cross the road user safety purposes? Perhaps this third thing needs to be rethought by the fathers, police officers, and then impregnated in the heart so as not to give the impression italics. I'm sure kalo discipline road users in a sympathetic police officer will get public support and the old paradigm that can transform into a new paradigm that is my mind the best service
Some time ago as usual I'm going to work through the red light intersection each day passed. Terbiasanya so, so I do not see the red light again, because that usually is turning left on the road I noticed the lights but not the other driver or pedestrian path that would pass. That means I'm more concentrated on the safety of other road users and also myself than watching the red light.
Suddenly prit pritt .... I looked into the police guard. he appointed me as nyemprit again. I immediately step on the gas and motor menggeber full speed to run, I think instead of money floating without effort 20ribu resistance mending first run. To be honest when I do not know that, why did the officer syringe me, because the day yesterday I was left there by the road continues. Short stories refuge is not overtaken. But I was curious, so I came home from work through there again and I noticed his red lights. It turned out that the original was a round red lights intact, the left arrow-shaped (kind of like closed with markers for its not smooth). So that means changing the lights turn left follow.
I do not wonder anymore, it turns out the police officer I syringe because I broke the lamp. Okay maybe I was wrong when it violates the red light, but need a few things underlined:
1. The red light was replaced by the by the road turn left continue to follow the lights turn left, there should be prior socialization so that the syringe of the police officer not to judge but told / warned by a sympathetic, because obviously there has been no prior socialization or other such signs posted writings there.
2. I suspect the police officer might be wrong to judge, because I'm running and not overtaken, but the next day I accidentally noticed the red light with a stop at a distance. And sure enough, when there was an old father (who was apparently pns 50an turn left on the road, getting a ticket immediately. I'm sure the father was also because so often by so she kept turning very slowly for the safety of other motorists.
3. We are sometimes forced to sue in the liver, the rule actually applied to what? to carry out the purpose or to order penilangan Allu cross the road user safety purposes? Perhaps this third thing needs to be rethought by the fathers, police officers, and then impregnated in the heart so as not to give the impression italics. I'm sure kalo discipline road users in a sympathetic police officer will get public support and the old paradigm that can transform into a new paradigm that is my mind the best service
FPTI Sleman
Build a non-commercial organization is not easy. The most problem is that the administrators who run the organization is not earning a salary, wages or other fees. In the case sleman Trail or other sports organizations may get a bonus when athletes win, and even then is still possible and that has not already, get it.
It is interesting to be studied, because the real problems above is really a classic and must have been contained in the book of lawas, so there must be a solution to solve it. In some respects the dedication and commitment to the sport will motivate managers to work hard to run the organization, but if you hit the name "tukon herbs" is how again. No way they deal with sports while his family was hungry stomach, so that the dedication and commitment to continue but under clear priorities attempt to buy "herbs" are.
Could sports organizations including the board in this case sleman Trail hire managers? facilitate its managers? so the organization can walk as directed, integrated and continue? In the waiting suggestions!
It is interesting to be studied, because the real problems above is really a classic and must have been contained in the book of lawas, so there must be a solution to solve it. In some respects the dedication and commitment to the sport will motivate managers to work hard to run the organization, but if you hit the name "tukon herbs" is how again. No way they deal with sports while his family was hungry stomach, so that the dedication and commitment to continue but under clear priorities attempt to buy "herbs" are.
Could sports organizations including the board in this case sleman Trail hire managers? facilitate its managers? so the organization can walk as directed, integrated and continue? In the waiting suggestions!
Edi Kurniawan Crying Penyematan Medal Ceremony Amid Sea Games 2007
This morning I saw the sports news in one of Indonesia's television station, and accidentally saw a sight that truly thrilling. Edi Kurniawan Indonesia weight lifters berhasi get a gold medal. And that makes my heart was trembling, the tears during the Gold medal accompanied penyematan Indonesia Raya song. Obviously a rather rare phenomenon for Indonesian athletes.
Often we see when the games opening ceremony, the athletes are not exactly singing solemn Indonesia Raya, sometimes grinning. One thing I liked least. Klo sing the national anthem just grinning, how determination and enthusiasm can be dedicated to this country? In fact, maybe we also often see the mentality of Indonesian athletes who competed before losing out in sweat. Beda banget ama first time, athletes compete not just for ambitions himself, his club, or support his family, more than they compete for his homeland, his country, which maintain self-esteem is the number one nation. The case will win or lose we must realistically assess, but the struggle is relentless, which persisted for Indonesia beloved that we must give appreciation.
I still remember the sea games philipina 80s era, we maratin athletes broke her ankle in the middle of the race, but because it will determine the medal marathon Indonesia or the Philippines who became overall champion at the time, athletes will still continue until the finish and win the gold medal at the same time ensuring the benefits of Indonesia as the overall champion with a difference of just over 1 gold philipna host at the time.
Of course stories like this that we wait and dreamed of national athletes. Once again congratulations for Edi Kurniawan, hopefully to inspire other athletes to compete with heart and spirit raged for the motherland, INDONESIA.
Often we see when the games opening ceremony, the athletes are not exactly singing solemn Indonesia Raya, sometimes grinning. One thing I liked least. Klo sing the national anthem just grinning, how determination and enthusiasm can be dedicated to this country? In fact, maybe we also often see the mentality of Indonesian athletes who competed before losing out in sweat. Beda banget ama first time, athletes compete not just for ambitions himself, his club, or support his family, more than they compete for his homeland, his country, which maintain self-esteem is the number one nation. The case will win or lose we must realistically assess, but the struggle is relentless, which persisted for Indonesia beloved that we must give appreciation.
I still remember the sea games philipina 80s era, we maratin athletes broke her ankle in the middle of the race, but because it will determine the medal marathon Indonesia or the Philippines who became overall champion at the time, athletes will still continue until the finish and win the gold medal at the same time ensuring the benefits of Indonesia as the overall champion with a difference of just over 1 gold philipna host at the time.
Of course stories like this that we wait and dreamed of national athletes. Once again congratulations for Edi Kurniawan, hopefully to inspire other athletes to compete with heart and spirit raged for the motherland, INDONESIA.
Idea Nulis Material Personal Blog
Idly see statistics of my blog readers are, it turns out there's something interesting that almost every day especially in musin-musin lowongan cpns type the keyword "statement is not married", "the letter was not willing to marry for 1 year of training" and the like. so maybe for temen-temen clever language can create a blog with the theme of the correspondence.
This opportunity is very unique course to be studied. Development of a correspondence blog will be very broad, such as reviewing how to make a cover letter, resume criteria of good work, and then given a sample job application letter. For creative may be accompanied by a statement of samples were not married, the statement did not marry for education, power of attorney. Or even for those who apply for a job so its frequency can be equipped with ways to take care of yellow cards or good conduct certificate from the police force at full tips and tricks to speed the process ... hopefully worth it ...
This opportunity is very unique course to be studied. Development of a correspondence blog will be very broad, such as reviewing how to make a cover letter, resume criteria of good work, and then given a sample job application letter. For creative may be accompanied by a statement of samples were not married, the statement did not marry for education, power of attorney. Or even for those who apply for a job so its frequency can be equipped with ways to take care of yellow cards or good conduct certificate from the police force at full tips and tricks to speed the process ... hopefully worth it ...
Measuring the Pain Nationalism
This theme was inspired after a call temen, it was in Tawangmangu temenku Karanganyar helped evacuate landslide. Direct blood rippled and greg ... incredible. Because klo usually invited to meetings or other activities are always thinkers temenku 2-3 times to release their work time. But once there is disaster in this country, not wait for tomorrow or the day after, but immediately set out with no strings attached. Once again Extraordinary.
In my book included in the category of activity love of the country, either by someone else. For what? because this activity clearly disinterested, obviously to help others, obviously to help the nation who again got the disaster, certainly not because to make money, obviously because the noble deeds, etc.. An attitude and action that needs to be an example, needs to be imitated and imitated by those who feel a child of this country, my beloved country Indonesia.
My analysis may be wrong, could be a motivation temenku was not like I wrote at length, but for me the same thing. These measures concrete evidence adlh love of country, to others and to the creation of Almighty God. Then if the action can be as a measure of sense of nationalism? for me yes. Activities to help victims of disaster, fight for a clean environment, fight for education for the poor, fight poverty as long as done with selfless nationalism then that size. That's my opinion, we may different opinions right?
In my book included in the category of activity love of the country, either by someone else. For what? because this activity clearly disinterested, obviously to help others, obviously to help the nation who again got the disaster, certainly not because to make money, obviously because the noble deeds, etc.. An attitude and action that needs to be an example, needs to be imitated and imitated by those who feel a child of this country, my beloved country Indonesia.
My analysis may be wrong, could be a motivation temenku was not like I wrote at length, but for me the same thing. These measures concrete evidence adlh love of country, to others and to the creation of Almighty God. Then if the action can be as a measure of sense of nationalism? for me yes. Activities to help victims of disaster, fight for a clean environment, fight for education for the poor, fight poverty as long as done with selfless nationalism then that size. That's my opinion, we may different opinions right?
Working As Civil Society still in demand
Seeing the enthusiasm of the people in each test cpns lowongan good selection of departments and in local government indicates that the job is still very interested pns society. This is reasonable and rational, given the average more people want stability in the old days with a decent pension than working as a private, large current income but do not guarantee in later old age.
Phenomenon that has not shifted from past to present and knows when to shift, or may never shifted. Sometimes children have become a wirawasta mantep, but the parents still want her to pns, and this actually happened. How was work to be pulled out pns? what the main reason they want this job? really due to retire? or because if becomes pns not seem to work too hard but there is no guarantee salaries continue to flow? please think of each!
Phenomenon that has not shifted from past to present and knows when to shift, or may never shifted. Sometimes children have become a wirawasta mantep, but the parents still want her to pns, and this actually happened. How was work to be pulled out pns? what the main reason they want this job? really due to retire? or because if becomes pns not seem to work too hard but there is no guarantee salaries continue to flow? please think of each!
Determination of Goal or Goal Setting
Beck and Hillmar (1976) describes one type of intervention is the setting organizational development. The process of implementation is a matter of setting approach to the understanding of management by objectives or results that help provide understanding of aspects of management or management, results and targets (objektives).
Definition of goal setting is the process of setting goals or objectives in the areas of employment, in the process of setting goals is to involve superiors and subordinates jointly determine or set targets or goals to be executed work of its workforce as a duty-bearer in a given period (Gibson, et al. 1985).
Latham den Locke (in Steers and Porters, 1983); Locke et al (1981) explains that understanding goal setting is an idea to set. Labor to perform a job where the assignment has been set the target or targets, for example, to achieve the targeted quota or finish a task by the deadline specified. In this case target (goal) is the object of the act and if the individual set of tactics and do to achieve these goals or objectives, goals or objectives that determine the behavior of the work. Hersey and Blanchard (1986) stated that the orientation of a person in general behavior motivated by a desire to obtain a particular purpose, and the behavior is essentially aimed at the object or target.
Understanding goal setting mentioned Davis (1981) is a management goal setting or goal to achieve performance success (performance). Further explained that the implementation of effective goal setting requires three steps, namely: to explain the meaning and purpose of setting targets, the second set clear targets, and the third to give feedback on the implementation of the work performed. Cascio (1987) states that goal setting is based on the direction of behavior toward a target can tujuan.Sasaran or supplemented with an explanation or information to the work force how to do these tasks, and why the goals or objectives are important implemented.
Application of goal setting on performance system is very popular and widespread use. Management approach based on these targets include the planning, supervision, staff assessment, and overall performance of existing systems within the organization. General procedures in the management of this target based on the most important is to identify the key parts of success, which can affect overall organizational performance such as sales volume, of the output (production output), as well as service quality, thus performance measurement (performance) can be determined ( Luthans, 1981).
Gibson et al, (1985) describes the application of perspective about the setting of management. The steps are (1) diagnosis of readiness, such as whether labor, organization and technology in accordance with the program goal setting; (2) preparing the workforce with respect to interactions between individuals, communication, training (tranning) and planning; (3) an emphasis on goals that must be known and understood by managers and subordinates; (4) to evaluate the follow-up to the specified target adjustment; (5) final review to examine how workmanship and modifications specified. Strauss and Sayless (1981) explained that management procedures based on the target allowing workers to make their own judgments about the results of operations, meaning if he discussed the results of the individual's actual rate itself and perhaps insight sekalimendapatkan how he should improve his attitude. his methods or his behavior.
From the opinions of experts in the can and for setting goals is concluded that understanding based on goal setting or goal-oriented results. Oriented management is considered better because of more emphasis on achieving results, so it gives management the opportunity to target in the workforce to understand how it should work, and communication relationships between superiors and subordinates is more terbina for interaction between a given task with the executor. In general terms it is setting goals setting goals or targets to be achieved labor
Definition of goal setting is the process of setting goals or objectives in the areas of employment, in the process of setting goals is to involve superiors and subordinates jointly determine or set targets or goals to be executed work of its workforce as a duty-bearer in a given period (Gibson, et al. 1985).
Latham den Locke (in Steers and Porters, 1983); Locke et al (1981) explains that understanding goal setting is an idea to set. Labor to perform a job where the assignment has been set the target or targets, for example, to achieve the targeted quota or finish a task by the deadline specified. In this case target (goal) is the object of the act and if the individual set of tactics and do to achieve these goals or objectives, goals or objectives that determine the behavior of the work. Hersey and Blanchard (1986) stated that the orientation of a person in general behavior motivated by a desire to obtain a particular purpose, and the behavior is essentially aimed at the object or target.
Understanding goal setting mentioned Davis (1981) is a management goal setting or goal to achieve performance success (performance). Further explained that the implementation of effective goal setting requires three steps, namely: to explain the meaning and purpose of setting targets, the second set clear targets, and the third to give feedback on the implementation of the work performed. Cascio (1987) states that goal setting is based on the direction of behavior toward a target can tujuan.Sasaran or supplemented with an explanation or information to the work force how to do these tasks, and why the goals or objectives are important implemented.
Application of goal setting on performance system is very popular and widespread use. Management approach based on these targets include the planning, supervision, staff assessment, and overall performance of existing systems within the organization. General procedures in the management of this target based on the most important is to identify the key parts of success, which can affect overall organizational performance such as sales volume, of the output (production output), as well as service quality, thus performance measurement (performance) can be determined ( Luthans, 1981).
Gibson et al, (1985) describes the application of perspective about the setting of management. The steps are (1) diagnosis of readiness, such as whether labor, organization and technology in accordance with the program goal setting; (2) preparing the workforce with respect to interactions between individuals, communication, training (tranning) and planning; (3) an emphasis on goals that must be known and understood by managers and subordinates; (4) to evaluate the follow-up to the specified target adjustment; (5) final review to examine how workmanship and modifications specified. Strauss and Sayless (1981) explained that management procedures based on the target allowing workers to make their own judgments about the results of operations, meaning if he discussed the results of the individual's actual rate itself and perhaps insight sekalimendapatkan how he should improve his attitude. his methods or his behavior.
From the opinions of experts in the can and for setting goals is concluded that understanding based on goal setting or goal-oriented results. Oriented management is considered better because of more emphasis on achieving results, so it gives management the opportunity to target in the workforce to understand how it should work, and communication relationships between superiors and subordinates is more terbina for interaction between a given task with the executor. In general terms it is setting goals setting goals or targets to be achieved labor
Conflict can be a conflict (disagreement), the tension (the presence of tension), or the emergence of other difficulties between the two parties or more. Conflict often leads to opposition between the two sides, to the point where the parties involved at each other as an obstacle to the achievement and bullying needs and goals of each. Subtantive conflicts are disputes relating to the purpose
groups, the allocation of resources within an organization, distribution policies and procedures, job title and division. Emotional conflicts are the result of feeling angry, do not believe, not sympathetic, fear and rejection, as well as the struggle between personal (personality clashes).
The situation that occurs when there is a difference of opinion or differences in perspective among some people, groups or organizations. Another definition is a mutual self-defense at least between the two groups, which have different objectives and views, in an effort to reach a goal that they are in a position of opposition, not cooperation
Conflict can be avoided if the issues or problems that triggered the conflict is not too important or if the potential for uneven confrontation with the result that would cause. Avoidance is a strategy that allows the parties to calm down the confrontation. Nurse managers who are involved in the issue of conflict can be dismissed by saying "Let both sides take time to think about this and determine the date for discussion"
Giving someone else a chance to manage a problem-solving strategies, especially if the issue is important for others. This allows the emergence of cooperation by giving them a chance to make a decision. Nurses who are part of the conflict can accommodate other parties to put the needs of other parties in the first place.
Use this method if you believe that you have more information and expertise more than others or when you do not want to compromise your values. This method may lead to conflict but can be an important method for security reasons.
Compromise or Negotiation
Each giving and offering something at the same time, give and take, as well as minimize the shortage of all parties can benefit all parties.
Solving the Problem or Collaboration
Solving a win-win where the individuals involved have the same employment purposes.
There needs to be a commitment from all parties involved to support each other and watched each other with each other.
Conflicts that arise in a work environment can be divided into
four levels:
A. Conflicts within the individual's own
Conflict within oneself can arise in case of overload telling where he was charged with the responsibility of the job too much, and can also occur when exposed to a point where he must make decisions involving the selection of the best alternative. Perspective below identifies four episodes of conflict, quoted from the writings of Thomas V. Banoma and Gerald Zaltman in the book Psychology for Management:
1. Appriach-approach conflict, namely the situation where one must choose one among several possible alternatives Sarna.
2. Avoidance-avoidance conflict, a condition where a person had to choose one among several alternatives are just as bad goals.
3. Approach-avoidance conflict, is a situation where a person driven by a strong desire to achieve one goal, but on the other hand is always simultaneously blocked from this goal by aspects of disadvantage that can not be separated from the process of achieving that goal alone.
4. Multiple aproach-avoidance conflict, which is a situation where someone had confronted in the case of multiple combination of approach-avoidance conflict.
B. Interpersonal conflict, which is a conflict between one individual with another individual.
Interpersonal conflict can be substantive and emotional shape, even a major case of the conflicts faced by managers in terms of interpersonal relationships as part of the managerial task itself
C. Conflict intergrup
Intergrup conflict is familiar to any organization, and this conflict led to the difficulty of coordination and integration of activities related to the tasks and jobs. In each case, the relationship must be integrup manage to maintain the best possible collaboration and avoid all konsekuensidisfungsional of every conflict that may arise.
Conflict interorganisasi D
This conflict is often associated with the competition that arises between private companies. Interorganisasi actual conflicts related to the larger issue anymore, for example persetisihan between the company's unions. In each case, the potential for conflict involving individuals who represent the organization as a whole, not just the internal subunit or group
Conflict can be a conflict (disagreement), the tension (the presence of tension), or the emergence of other difficulties between the two parties or more. Conflict often leads to opposition between the two sides, to the point where the parties involved at each other as an obstacle to the achievement and bullying needs and goals of each. Subtantive conflicts are disputes relating to the purpose
groups, the allocation of resources within an organization, distribution policies and procedures, job title and division. Emotional conflicts are the result of feeling angry, do not believe, not sympathetic, fear and rejection, as well as the struggle between personal (personality clashes).
The situation that occurs when there is a difference of opinion or differences in perspective among some people, groups or organizations. Another definition is a mutual self-defense at least between the two groups, which have different objectives and views, in an effort to reach a goal that they are in a position of opposition, not cooperation
Conflict can be avoided if the issues or problems that triggered the conflict is not too important or if the potential for uneven confrontation with the result that would cause. Avoidance is a strategy that allows the parties to calm down the confrontation. Nurse managers who are involved in the issue of conflict can be dismissed by saying "Let both sides take time to think about this and determine the date for discussion"
Giving someone else a chance to manage a problem-solving strategies, especially if the issue is important for others. This allows the emergence of cooperation by giving them a chance to make a decision. Nurses who are part of the conflict can accommodate other parties to put the needs of other parties in the first place.
Use this method if you believe that you have more information and expertise more than others or when you do not want to compromise your values. This method may lead to conflict but can be an important method for security reasons.
Compromise or Negotiation
Each giving and offering something at the same time, give and take, as well as minimize the shortage of all parties can benefit all parties.
Solving the Problem or Collaboration
Solving a win-win where the individuals involved have the same employment purposes.
There needs to be a commitment from all parties involved to support each other and watched each other with each other.
Conflicts that arise in a work environment can be divided into
four levels:
A. Conflicts within the individual's own
Conflict within oneself can arise in case of overload telling where he was charged with the responsibility of the job too much, and can also occur when exposed to a point where he must make decisions involving the selection of the best alternative. Perspective below identifies four episodes of conflict, quoted from the writings of Thomas V. Banoma and Gerald Zaltman in the book Psychology for Management:
1. Appriach-approach conflict, namely the situation where one must choose one among several possible alternatives Sarna.
2. Avoidance-avoidance conflict, a condition where a person had to choose one among several alternatives are just as bad goals.
3. Approach-avoidance conflict, is a situation where a person driven by a strong desire to achieve one goal, but on the other hand is always simultaneously blocked from this goal by aspects of disadvantage that can not be separated from the process of achieving that goal alone.
4. Multiple aproach-avoidance conflict, which is a situation where someone had confronted in the case of multiple combination of approach-avoidance conflict.
B. Interpersonal conflict, which is a conflict between one individual with another individual.
Interpersonal conflict can be substantive and emotional shape, even a major case of the conflicts faced by managers in terms of interpersonal relationships as part of the managerial task itself
C. Conflict intergrup
Intergrup conflict is familiar to any organization, and this conflict led to the difficulty of coordination and integration of activities related to the tasks and jobs. In each case, the relationship must be integrup manage to maintain the best possible collaboration and avoid all konsekuensidisfungsional of every conflict that may arise.
Conflict interorganisasi D
This conflict is often associated with the competition that arises between private companies. Interorganisasi actual conflicts related to the larger issue anymore, for example persetisihan between the company's unions. In each case, the potential for conflict involving individuals who represent the organization as a whole, not just the internal subunit or group
Conflict Management
A. Conflict Level
1. Conflict within the individual himself (intraindividual conflict)
is the conflict experienced by a person because of conflict within the individual.
2. Inter-individual conflicts (Interindividual Conflict)
is the conflict experienced by a person because of differences in interests or goals at the same time on one or several parties.
3. Conflict Organization (Organizational Conflict)
is the conflict in the process of interacting with the organization.
B. Conflict Management Approaches
At a minimum there are two approaches in conflict management, namely:
1. Management of conflict
the efforts made to reconcile the conflict so that the risk of negative impacts of conflict can be avoided. The main feature of this approach is the conflict is already there naturally and the efforts made to cope with a goal based on the curative or healing nature.
2. Management by conflict
Efforts are made to memenage group activities by creating a conflict. The main feature of this approach is that the conflict was deliberately created and then tightly controlled and directed to achieve certain goals.
1. Conflict within the individual himself (intraindividual conflict)
is the conflict experienced by a person because of conflict within the individual.
2. Inter-individual conflicts (Interindividual Conflict)
is the conflict experienced by a person because of differences in interests or goals at the same time on one or several parties.
3. Conflict Organization (Organizational Conflict)
is the conflict in the process of interacting with the organization.
B. Conflict Management Approaches
At a minimum there are two approaches in conflict management, namely:
1. Management of conflict
the efforts made to reconcile the conflict so that the risk of negative impacts of conflict can be avoided. The main feature of this approach is the conflict is already there naturally and the efforts made to cope with a goal based on the curative or healing nature.
2. Management by conflict
Efforts are made to memenage group activities by creating a conflict. The main feature of this approach is that the conflict was deliberately created and then tightly controlled and directed to achieve certain goals.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
about kaka and the ninja warior
My son age 15 months, she likes to watch some television shows, including Moto GP racing, cartoons, football and his favorite is the ninja warior in TPI every evening at dusk. Ninja Warior special event truly the most favorite. Usually he sat in front of the television in temeni grandfather or aunt. Focus attention to the movements of participants ninja warior, kaka sometimes unconsciously moving her body.
Pause while the ad, he would stand and as if imitating the movements of the participants ninja warior, small jump while muter-muter. For children aged 15 months, of course, stood and turned the body with one foot bertumpuan quite difficult, so sometimes fall and cry. But it always Akab repeated, watching, and imitating the movements ninja warior then collapsed ....
Sometimes I think, what exactly have in mind children aged 15 months when he saw the competition Ninja Warior? Does he have understood? Or actually a manifestation of a child's creativity, where creativity is said the lowest is imitating. Imitating the visits, imitating the movements etc. ... really so?
My son age 15 months, she likes to watch some television shows, including Moto GP racing, cartoons, football and his favorite is the ninja warior in TPI every evening at dusk. Ninja Warior special event truly the most favorite. Usually he sat in front of the television in temeni grandfather or aunt. Focus attention to the movements of participants ninja warior, kaka sometimes unconsciously moving her body.
Pause while the ad, he would stand and as if imitating the movements of the participants ninja warior, small jump while muter-muter. For children aged 15 months, of course, stood and turned the body with one foot bertumpuan quite difficult, so sometimes fall and cry. But it always Akab repeated, watching, and imitating the movements ninja warior then collapsed ....
Sometimes I think, what exactly have in mind children aged 15 months when he saw the competition Ninja Warior? Does he have understood? Or actually a manifestation of a child's creativity, where creativity is said the lowest is imitating. Imitating the visits, imitating the movements etc. ... really so?
about kaka n rabbit
About Kaka and Rabbit
Each time to eat, my son is now just completed 15 months is always a bit difficult, should be invited to see a cow or goat to the neighborhood, as shown klo they eat, just my son to eat. So on every day, so bring the idea to buy a cow or a goat. However, maintaining klo cow or goat, would need treatment, need to look for grass, making komboran and forth to hiduo and fat.
Finally, the proposed purchase rabbits. And aunt one afternoon to buy my son a rabbit kaka. Very funny, supposedly a cross between a bunny rabbit Java and Australia. (It said the seller, klo gak tau fact, because we do not know the ins and outs of rabbit). Thus began that day, klo want to eat, enough to feed the rabbits taken at home.
In the process, turned out like a rabbit as my friend. Like stroking - even a pet when he asked the rabbit to sleep. Keep the rabbit in the catch, placed in boxes, get kaka nemeni sleep, klo on the move, kaka was crying out loud .... Hahahaha ... .. kaka is funny ....
The funny thing is again, like imitating the movements kaka rabbits raised one leg to the foot box, so that movement is difficult enough for a child aged 15 months was often cause kaka to fall .... Good playing with ya hare kaka ndut ... ..
Each time to eat, my son is now just completed 15 months is always a bit difficult, should be invited to see a cow or goat to the neighborhood, as shown klo they eat, just my son to eat. So on every day, so bring the idea to buy a cow or a goat. However, maintaining klo cow or goat, would need treatment, need to look for grass, making komboran and forth to hiduo and fat.
Finally, the proposed purchase rabbits. And aunt one afternoon to buy my son a rabbit kaka. Very funny, supposedly a cross between a bunny rabbit Java and Australia. (It said the seller, klo gak tau fact, because we do not know the ins and outs of rabbit). Thus began that day, klo want to eat, enough to feed the rabbits taken at home.
In the process, turned out like a rabbit as my friend. Like stroking - even a pet when he asked the rabbit to sleep. Keep the rabbit in the catch, placed in boxes, get kaka nemeni sleep, klo on the move, kaka was crying out loud .... Hahahaha ... .. kaka is funny ....
The funny thing is again, like imitating the movements kaka rabbits raised one leg to the foot box, so that movement is difficult enough for a child aged 15 months was often cause kaka to fall .... Good playing with ya hare kaka ndut ... ..
Sell Laptop Like Fried Nuts
After a long wait, I finally have time for a walk to see the northern jogja. That afternoon I drove into the street simanjuntak, the road to the largest campus in Yogyakarta. Barometer lectures jogja, nationally as well. There the academic activities has always been a trend setter for replicated or modified in other places. In the area around campus GMU Kingdom always filled new residents each year, whether students who want to study, as well as newcomers who want to earn a mouthful of rice for a living.
In some corner of the kampong, there will always rented houses or boarding houses, inhabited by traders, while normally boarding students or contract slightly apart. Klo I noticed this shift since the GMU campus followed another big start building a stately buildings, that will automatically drain the pockets of his students because spp drastic rise.
Thus, students who had high relative to the bottom, it tends to slightly middle upper, automated boarding or kontrakkannya will also be picky rather elite or nice. It is the fairness that demands world events will always shift the culture or old habits become cultural or new habits.
I saw that afternoon was COMPUTER SHOP that provides various kinds, brands, prices and also a variety of options for a desktop computer or laptop / netbook / notebook. The shift was also beginning to look, klo want to buy a used computer student wrote hard, I saw that afternoon was incredible. Options to buy computers changed, from Computer Desktop Laptop leads to. Can describe, I visited a store that sells it like fried peanuts alone. All the dating and 90% buy the visitor dating and go no out. Crazy ... incredible ....
Era have changed ... ... ... ..
In some corner of the kampong, there will always rented houses or boarding houses, inhabited by traders, while normally boarding students or contract slightly apart. Klo I noticed this shift since the GMU campus followed another big start building a stately buildings, that will automatically drain the pockets of his students because spp drastic rise.
Thus, students who had high relative to the bottom, it tends to slightly middle upper, automated boarding or kontrakkannya will also be picky rather elite or nice. It is the fairness that demands world events will always shift the culture or old habits become cultural or new habits.
I saw that afternoon was COMPUTER SHOP that provides various kinds, brands, prices and also a variety of options for a desktop computer or laptop / netbook / notebook. The shift was also beginning to look, klo want to buy a used computer student wrote hard, I saw that afternoon was incredible. Options to buy computers changed, from Computer Desktop Laptop leads to. Can describe, I visited a store that sells it like fried peanuts alone. All the dating and 90% buy the visitor dating and go no out. Crazy ... incredible ....
Era have changed ... ... ... ..
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