Sunday, October 11, 2009

Determination of Goal or Goal Setting

Beck and Hillmar (1976) describes one type of intervention is the setting organizational development. The process of implementation is a matter of setting approach to the understanding of management by objectives or results that help provide understanding of aspects of management or management, results and targets (objektives).
Definition of goal setting is the process of setting goals or objectives in the areas of employment, in the process of setting goals is to involve superiors and subordinates jointly determine or set targets or goals to be executed work of its workforce as a duty-bearer in a given period (Gibson, et al. 1985).
Latham den Locke (in Steers and Porters, 1983); Locke et al (1981) explains that understanding goal setting is an idea to set. Labor to perform a job where the assignment has been set the target or targets, for example, to achieve the targeted quota or finish a task by the deadline specified. In this case target (goal) is the object of the act and if the individual set of tactics and do to achieve these goals or objectives, goals or objectives that determine the behavior of the work. Hersey and Blanchard (1986) stated that the orientation of a person in general behavior motivated by a desire to obtain a particular purpose, and the behavior is essentially aimed at the object or target.
Understanding goal setting mentioned Davis (1981) is a management goal setting or goal to achieve performance success (performance). Further explained that the implementation of effective goal setting requires three steps, namely: to explain the meaning and purpose of setting targets, the second set clear targets, and the third to give feedback on the implementation of the work performed. Cascio (1987) states that goal setting is based on the direction of behavior toward a target can tujuan.Sasaran or supplemented with an explanation or information to the work force how to do these tasks, and why the goals or objectives are important implemented.
Application of goal setting on performance system is very popular and widespread use. Management approach based on these targets include the planning, supervision, staff assessment, and overall performance of existing systems within the organization. General procedures in the management of this target based on the most important is to identify the key parts of success, which can affect overall organizational performance such as sales volume, of the output (production output), as well as service quality, thus performance measurement (performance) can be determined ( Luthans, 1981).
Gibson et al, (1985) describes the application of perspective about the setting of management. The steps are (1) diagnosis of readiness, such as whether labor, organization and technology in accordance with the program goal setting; (2) preparing the workforce with respect to interactions between individuals, communication, training (tranning) and planning; (3) an emphasis on goals that must be known and understood by managers and subordinates; (4) to evaluate the follow-up to the specified target adjustment; (5) final review to examine how workmanship and modifications specified. Strauss and Sayless (1981) explained that management procedures based on the target allowing workers to make their own judgments about the results of operations, meaning if he discussed the results of the individual's actual rate itself and perhaps insight sekalimendapatkan how he should improve his attitude. his methods or his behavior.
From the opinions of experts in the can and for setting goals is concluded that understanding based on goal setting or goal-oriented results. Oriented management is considered better because of more emphasis on achieving results, so it gives management the opportunity to target in the workforce to understand how it should work, and communication relationships between superiors and subordinates is more terbina for interaction between a given task with the executor. In general terms it is setting goals setting goals or targets to be achieved labor