Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Follow steps Keeping Stock Availability and Price Stabilization Kepokmas

Coordination with related agencies, the Office of regency / city in charge of trade, the Association / business in the effort to fulfill kepokmas and price controls.
nMelakukan visits to distribution centers and manufacturers kepokmas; intensifying monitoring of supply and prices in working area of each.
nMenghimbau to the producers / distributors / agents to increase the stock 20% of the normal stock.
The cheap market nMenyelenggarakan cooperation with related agencies, the Association / business to help people
low income to obtain kepokmas an affordable price.
Basic Materials Posko nMembentuk that facilitate reporting on matters relating to procurement, distribution
and when there is the price that exceeds reasonable limits or when there is tremendous price.
Some causes an increase in price
kepokmas request before oPeningkatan Fasting (Ramadan) at the end of August 2009.
oMasih high auction price of sugar farmers and the world price level.
kepokmas request for oPeningkatan celebration event of 17 also contributed to the increase in prices
in August 2009.
local white oBawang now just beginning to harvest, not yet distributed to the market. Garlic currently
more garlic imports from China and Thailand
Fried oMinyak bulk supply as far as we know CPO decreases especially for crude palm oil processing plant in
Golden Pel.Tanjung Semarang, PT.Best was 1.5 months there was no supply.
Other Info
o 1. Divre stock of rice in Central Java Bulog as of August 19, 2009 recorded 510,839 tonnes
rice equivalents sufficient to meet the operational Bulog for 11 months / sd. Month of May 2010.

o 2. Anticipating the psychological impact of the government's plan to issue price increase measures 12 kg of LPG,
against kepokmas prices.

o 3. Need to anticipate the psychological aspects of excessive purchases kepokmas before Ramadan and Eid
there is an effort to inform the public will secure the availability of sufficient kepokmas /
available, although there is a tendency, but price increases are expected dikisaran average 10 to 20%
source : http://www.jatengprov.go.id/?document_srl=1335&mid=beritaskpd